Friday, July 11

It's been so long since I did anything here. I'm trying to be better. Here is a thrilling extract from a thing I wrote recently about a man who works at a toll booth. Get in touch if you want more:

"The vehicles come towards the booths when the main road opens out like a fan into a great mile of concrete so wide you can’t believe it and sometimes when it was empty and perfect, normally at dawn, it would make Cornell smile because it was so big. The cars come to the end of the main road and swill out over the great wide patch and then start angling towards the booths they want. Some just bomb through in a straight line to booths 6 and 7 where Gail and Michael work opposite each other, or should I say Mr and Mrs Daly because they got married fell in love at the toll booths, swapping magazines and smiling. We were all invited. Working third from the end, Cornell’s booth got the ones which peeled away, thought it faster to whiz out wide, enjoy the run of tyres on the concrete runway and pay a visit to the edge of the road where you can see the fence which cuts off the wasteland and the bottles and papers and packets that litter the blasted ground like so much old junk. Maybe that meant that Cornell got interesting types out there or maybe it didn’t. I tell you, people at the booths have talked about this, but the thing is, there’s no rule, things balance out, I reckon Cornell’s people weren’t so different. And things working how they do, when not all the booths were open and Cornell’s was, people had to go out there and he would have got a regular crowd. When you work in a booth, you look out and see who’s coming your way – unless it’s crazy and there are lines and people are sitting low in their cars with the fumes rising around their windows or the rain making everything wet. But when it’s flowing through you can look out and watch them coasting and then see them decide. They pick you, and then pull through in your direction. Sometimes it’s a long way out, sometimes they choose a bunch and then slide in right at the end and other times you just KNOW, sometimes before they do, that they’re going to come right at you. It feels funny when that happens but what can you say? Try and smile maybe but they don’t want to hear it, do they?"


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