Sunday, May 1
Next wave: 2005
What happens if you don't update your blog for six months? Well nothing it seems. So I'm relieved. Today I wrote my final column for The Times which should go up tomorrow -- it's about extreme window cleaners and on Tuesday, when I was climbing a ladder up by a water tower, under the sky and thirty-three stories up, I felt a good moment of peace and yes and solitude: window cleaners are all right by me and a nice way to finish. Writing the column has murdered this blog and who knows what will happen now -- but I'm screaming into my final days here and I need somewhere to put things: to put the goodbye photo to 161 West 4th Street, that I moved out of this morning after a brown and whirling night with Steven Chen in Brooklyn; to mention the burgeoning, fragrant work of Mark Wimberly, my now ex flatmate and becoming photographer; to acknowledge Dave Labi's circumnavigation of the globe; to wonder what is going to happen in San Francisco next week; to think about what's next.